1.忍不住要说"Brainy is the new sexy"#市场营销#2.巴西葡萄牙语比匈牙利语西语好听的感觉女主女二的衬衣职业装学起来三人身材和胸型好美3.看看女主卡琳的业余-看营销书籍上课程跑步击剑练习她的笃定认真且不认为自己工作是低贱她先做市场分析-设公司-品牌定位-饥饿营销-客户牵线搭桥提供情报-服务升级...
Except for my big pet peeve, this show is just amazing. It's weird how the actor is not as hot as the character. I think they learned a lot from existing shows like Arrow and the 13 episodes made it great. The small cast also worked out.